10 July 2019
In the flight from Kenya to London and I think about the way society is really changes fast especially on valuing social values in fact in Kenya without a car, big house or merited tangible wealth one is almost seen has a bigger people have lost a sense of giving back to society and people think that wealth is a sense of happiness sadly what is happening I beg to question? Is it having too much plenty of money that one is not even able to share is it have in the sense of control of knowing that you can tap into cash at any given time? Or exactly what are we talking about here? It is critical time in our own life to think about our own destiny and what we call a sense of living and be inspired by great leaders who bring life to us? Pitching in life is important and how do we bring the matter of addressing inequality and enabling growth of all planet in a sense of manner that equates to becoming great leaders of our world?

Politics in UK some things to bring out. I can never forget the day that am I joined the political party and for me it began by I’m just doing a health studies and social policy course it was during this time that I was required to do a work placement and it was then that I decided to do something that no other student had done in effort of them making sure that I had done something different I decided to go into politics now you must remember that I was doing health studies and social policy and it was a requirement that in my degree which was a BSC in applied social science a joint owner so it means that it is 50/50 and I really Chiswell and I had to really think what I really wanted in life this prompted me into selecting my placement which took me until health studies emplacement and in order for this to be accepted one had to show the relationship of politics and how that fitted in very well with health and I argued that NHS