Have you thought about the different cultural festival that Africa exhibits and presents? Here to help with seeing the different festivals captured by different reporters and stories told across many African Country’s.  Our work also supports to promote tourism attraction into those local places and help with learning different cultures and the histories or stories told. We also use technology and aim to help put some of this work in enabling the views to see that our Africans stories are known. More us needed to support the out reach and local exchanges globally.

We hope you will endeavour to visit some of this local places and get to enjoy the local spaces . Tell us your visit and send us your photos if you visit some of this places. Some of the video contents on this we share is  fetched out via research and those contents belong to those that made the programmes. Our interest is on research and helping those locals to bring out the  learning of each others and share the visibility of those locals. We thank the different journalist.